It is still a numbers game blog

It is still a numbers game

One thing most of us have in common is the sage advice we were given when we first started in the automotive industry: “This business is a numbers game!”

Numbers are still the key to a successful dealership—both for the sales team and the service team. Granted, the actual numbers we should be focusing on change over the years. And there’s the challenge: knowing the numbers that really matter.

Peter Drucker said it best when he said, “What you measure, you manage.” But if you can’t track your numbers, how can you measure them?

At Traver Connect, our BDC solutions are all about the numbers that matter the most. We know what to do to increase them and convert more customer contacts into revenue.

For example, do you know if at least 90% of your Service BDC calls are appointment-related calls?  If it’s less than that, you have a problem that can be hard to spot. If you don’t know, it’s probably because you don’t measure it. It is one of the Service BDC metrics you need to know, and we can help. Maybe it’s call routing or you might need to add texting for service status updates, or maybe you need training for your Service BDC team. Or it might be as simple as you don’t have enough resources. Our solutions can help your Service BDC team with all that, and more.

Another critical number is your conversion of appointment-related inbound service calls.  Your Service BDC team should be converting at least 80% of those calls into appointments. If a customer can’t schedule an appointment when they first call, they will call someone else for service. If your team isn’t converting 80% of calls into appointments, there are gaps in your Service BDC process.

Traver Connect can help you catch more calls, load your shop, and improve your bottom line.  Plus, we can provide your Service BDC with the toolset for tracking their daily activities. We know which numbers matter, and we know how to measure them.

Reach out today to schedule a demo to see how we can help you improve your numbers. Call 855-891-0010 or visit