Empower your Service BDC team

Turn you Service BDC into a revenue generator for your dealership using the BDC Capsule software. Plus, increase productivity of your Service BDC team.

Schedule a Service BDC Capsule Demo

Give your BDC Manager a tool that helps them:

  • Understand how productive their BDC team is as a whole and down to the individual agent.
  • Configure your specific dealership’s processes, including allowing for walk-ins, hours of operations, and communication reminders to customers about their appointments.
  • Provide your BDC Manager with facts about the call volume each hour to know how to staff appropriately.
  • Give your BDC Manager the ability to add and measure promotions, for example, time/mileage recommendation, that help drive revenue to the service department.
  • Plus, call recordings are hosted in every call profile for coaching and helping your agents become the best.
Like what you hear? Let's connect!

What happens when you put together Telephony + CRM + Service Scheduler?

You get the Service BDC Capsule from Traver Connect.

Tracking all the calls down to the second to generate revenue and increase productivity for your Service BDC team.

Do your BDC Agents know where they stand?

Give them the technology to see in real-time:

  • How productive they are at work?
  • Where do they rank against the rest of the team?
  • How many hours were they available and on the phone during their shift?
    • The tool measures down to the second.
  • Give your BDC agents that ability to rate themselves on the outcome of the call.
  • Plus so much more!
Ready for a demo? Click here

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Your dealership can only measure what you track!

Take a few minutes to review a few of the standard reports your dealership can access when you implement the Service BDC Capsule in your dealership.

Call Mix Report

Call Mix Report

Know the type and number of calls your BDC agents are handling in real-time.

Quad Report

Quad Report

A snapshot of your Service BDC in real-time.

BDC Rep Report

BDC Rep Report

Gain insight to the productivity of each team member. Help them improve by coaching and training to ensure they are the best they can be.